this is a bunch of things about nothing that may or may not come out of my vagina

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Die, Die, and Die again

I haven't written anything on the blog in a long time, so here it goes. I really do need to apologize to my wonderful partner Greg for putting up with my fits I have from time to time. I mean, don't we all get upset and want to run over someone with a car over and over again? I am trying to focus on the nice happy things in my life like Greggie, Rufus, my Family, Friends, Project Runway, and Jellybeans, but sometimes when you are put in situations directly involving someone of such great stupidity, I don't think its wrong to want some people to die and die and die again. I told myself just this morning....."Steve, you really shouldnt say people are dumb, in fact, maybe you are the dumb one!" I reflected for about 2 minutes and then came to my senses and shouted Fuck that! I know that I make mistakes from time to time, but I am around a lot of people who I have figured out there is no other excuse they can have, but being honestly and completely dumb, that have my complete sympathy. So, Greggie, give me a break from time to time and know they are stupid too!!!!!